Ecommerce product photography is a subindustry of ecommerce, that deals with producing high quality commercially viable images of products for the representation of such products online for sale.
An ecommerce photographer takes images for customers specifically for websites and social media.
This technique really shows well to the customer what they are buying. It’s important the label is clear as the customer needs to be able to read and identify quickly the item on an ecommerce site. This was achieved by using the pen tool to separate the label from the bottle so they could be adjusted independently of each other. The colour of both the liquid and the bottle needs to be as close as possible to the actual item. We achieve this by using a grey card and the colour adjustment tool in lightroom. The right equipment makes shooting bottles much easier. Softboxes are important, as are large scrims and diffusers, we often use strip soft boxes for bottles, as the slim light nicely follows the curve of the bottle.